(BETA) MatchMaker, MatchMaker Make Me A Match!


Does your manuscript need a final once over before you begin another revision, query, send it to your agent, or editor? Does your manuscript need a pair of fresh eyes? Have you burned all your CP bridges with your million drafts? Do you need to add a Beta-Reader or two to your critique group?

If yes, please get in on the Beta-MatchMaker Extravaganza that will be ongoing in December and January. I know I need to add another Beta and potentially another CP, and I’ve noticed some others out there who do as well. There’s been a lot of contests lately, people finishing NaNo and WIPmo, agent landings, and a whole lotta writers out there who may be new or old to the scene and are looking for someone to trade manuscripts with.

All you have to do is copy and paste the questionnaire below, or email me directly amiallenvath at gmail, or if you’d prefer, request the questionnaire via email by sending your email address using the “Contact” section of my blog, or via @ing or DMing me on Twitter. Then, I’ll send you the questionnaire  and will match you up. I will NOT give your email info out without sending you the other potential match’s info first. If both of you agree to the match-up, THEN I will give out your email info. I ‘ll read each questionnaire thoroughly and will also do some light Nancy Drew sleuthing (Twitter/Google) to make sure your potential match isn’t some crazy alien-bot looking to steal your work and bring it back to her planet. Then you can read off into the sunset, maybe become CPs in the future, and become Twitter Besties.

Please pass this info along since the more interested parties, the better!

Here are the questions to copy and paste, fill out and send to me via the form below or you can send it right to me: amiallenvath at gmail dot com.

I will acknowledge receipt of your questionnaire within 24 hours–if not, please check in with me via Twitter or posting a comment


If I find a potential match for you, I will provide you with the other match’s info (sans email addresses) and vice versa. If both of you are interested, I will then pass your contact info along to each other.

Info on Author


Twitter Handle: @

Any publishing credits?

Industry experience or relevant education?


Aspirations with this novel?

What is your genre of choice? 

What categories and genres would prefer to read?

Info on Novel To Be Beta’d



Word Count:

How many beta readers are you looking for?

Are you ready to beta read now? If not, how soon? 

Do you need a beta reader now? If not, when?

Once you send your reader your ms, what kind of turn-around time would you prefer?

What kind of turn-around time can you provide?

Are you prepared to read the novel straight through, in a timely manner, and provide the author with notes related to plot, character, voice, etc.?

Can you provide notes, comments, insights, suggestions that are critical, yet constructive? In other words, can you handle being honest, but without being mean?

Can you handle someone’s opinions, subjective or factual, about your work if they are negative and not all “applause, applause?”

When you read is there any subject matter that makes you uncomfortable or bores the crap out of you? (i.e. swearing, sex in YA, drugs, Catholicism, gluten, blue aliens)

Use this space to give more info on your book that will help your potential match to want to Beta up: (fake example: my book is about a  17 y/o girl who loves cocaine, other girls, and saying and doing the F word).